What "change" exactly are you talking about Obama?

Barack ObamaOnce again my favourite politician of the time exposes the "group think" and error behind the American 2008 election issues . He has done this consistently throughout the campaign by refusing to let go of his principles and policies which are really the only way to save America. Make no mistake, her current course can only lead to ineveitable economic, social and political collapse. If and when she sneezes, it's a cold we can do without.

During a conference on C-Span, Ron Paul was asked to evaluate Obama in light of his nomination. He does this quite eloquently, highlighting the fact that most Americans do not know the issues. I agree. They're hooked on chanting the talismanic slogan of "change", without knowing a single policy he plans to implement. Believe me most Americans don't. Understandable considering the Bush, Clinton, Bush and almost Clinton again administration they've just had to suffer. Those that can name one of his policies, universal healthcare, don't realise they can't afford the system they've got.

To expand a little and show the magnitude of this, the Federal Reserve 2008 accounts say they're already in a 40 trillion dollar obligation to healthcare. That's not a spelling mistake. Surely Obama know's this? The Federal Reserve is already printing 20 billion dollars a year (out of thin air) and taking loans secured against sub prime securities to fund a trillion dollar a year war. How is it going to cope with the baby boomers who are now of age and which the 40 trillion owed? Obama knows. Universal healthcare! That's just one of his policies.

The IRS is going to be more popular than ever. Let's hear Ron Paul sum it up:

Wow! Obama is slick, you've go to give to him but the truth hurts. The Republican party must be kicking themselves. If Ron Paul is not going to take on Obama let's take a look at how McCain handles the coming "change":

What a sorry state of affairs. He's so desperate, he steals some of Ron Paul's lines! How could you nominate someone who says nothing(Obama), or be fooled by another idiot(McCain). Well let's get some tongue in cheek insight into American politics. This is what Fox News made of Obama's nomination celebration:

"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics, is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." - Plato

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