
Welcome to my blog recording the alternative view of current and historic events. There's so much at odds with what we're being told, it's amazing what lies underneath. I truly consider human origins, history and our future possibilities, the greatest story ever told.

There's so much information I've learnt and yet to learn, that my brain cannot physically contain any more! I have a 1% synthesis technique and aim to record that 1% here on this blog in order to say at the very least, this is what's going on.

Some will not accept these recordings, others will know full well what I'm talking about. Think of everything you've witnessed in the last ten years. Don't be a coincidence theorist. That's a bit naive :). Well, you conspire to win a game of cards, if you could, would you play for the world?

Pandora's box is without a doubt open on the world stage. The pawns are realising they no longer have to get to the other side to become kings. Who's rule's are those anyway? Isn't there a better game to play?

The Broken Chessboard

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