Treason in broad daylight...

...and no one seems to care. Maybe I'm not the minority, maybe these are strong words. I just must call it what it is. What else can you call it? What am I talking about? The Lisbon Treaty getting Royal Assent on 19/06/08, AFTER the Irish "No vote".

As it stands The UK has already handed over:

  • 100% control of it's environment. Seaside, countryside, anything considered environment as well as health and safety.
  • 100% control of fishing.
  • 100% control of farming.
  • 100% control of trade policy.
  • 100% control immigration policy
  • 100% primacy of EU laws or directives over UK laws.

That's just the tip of the iceberg. I haven't gone into the effects that losing control of these areas has already had. With the ratification of all 27 EU member states the UK hands over the following:

  • 100% control of foreign policy.
  • 100% control of legal system. Including law enforcement. The treaty also makes fundamental changes such as no trial by jury, citizens are guilty until proven innocent, citizens can be detained without warrant or charge up to 9 months, there will be no such thing as double jeopardy .
  • 100% control of armed forces to EU command.
  • 100% control of banking, interest rates, inflation etc. As there will be no Pound, only the Euro which is controlled by the European Central Bank.
  • 100% of all gold and metal reserves will be handed over to the European Central Bank.

This is still a brief list of what the Lisbon Treaty entails. The end result is the full transfer of UK sovereignty to the EU with the UK being broken up into provinces under it. Remember MEP's have no power and no say, they can only voice their opinions. The EU commission makes the laws and decisions. They are unelected and unaccountable.

What type of people are managing the EU? Let’s briefly have a look at what the European Commission president Mr. Barroso’s calls a “high quality commission”:

A gang of criminals. Who could want this?! It's no wonder the UK and all other EU member states except for Ireland we're denied a referendum! Why did Ireland get one? Their High Courts seem to be the only ones who recognise the constitutional implications.

To make matters worse anyone involved in plotting, assisting or contributing to the transfer of sovereignty away from the crown is guilty of treason. That's a lot of people in government. Just imagine, Gordon Brown and David Milliband, "Off with his head!". That is however the reality of the situation. So for the Queen herself to willingly and knowingly, sign away her crown and kingdom is beyond belief. Why is no one in the streets? Is the government's propaganda(lies, doublespeak) that good? Obviously.

This unelected, unaccountable EU elite will not give up however. They wanted a constitution, we said no. So they called it a treaty, can we be fooled that easily! No matter, we can have no say anyway. Don't forget NOBODY has can read it (the treaty was handed out as a list of amendments, not a comprehensive document. The EU commission refused to print a full merged copy until after ratification had taken place?!). Deceit at it's inception. It will be deceit to the end as it comes into play 1st January 2009.

While Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen is "looking at options", hopefully the grassroots campaign that helped Ireland produce a no vote, will be able to withstand the propaganda campaign which is sure to besiege their nation.

If you were unaware of any of these issues please watch these documentaries. A nice article of note is also available by Archbishop Cranmer.

As an after thought. Those who have done more research will know by 2010 the NAU or North American Union (Canada, US, Mexico) will be in effect. The AU(African Union est 2002) is already here and the Asian Union and Pacific Union are fast approaching. It's obvious what the next union will be. The ground work is already laid UN, WTO, WHO, IMF etc. Considering it will follow the EU model, an unelected, unaccountable president of the Earth does not give me a warm feeling. That's enough for now!

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